Do It Anyway

Famously written on the wall of Mother Teresa’s room in Calcutta.  Trying to keep this in mind during these troubling times, and to help me keep things in perspective.

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.
– Mother Teresa

What Is This Flower?

What is this flower that has sprung up so suddenly?
As much of the sun as the sun!
It seems as if it was only yesterday
That it was just a sprout
Poking its nascent shoot out of the soil,
Unsure of its prospects,
But it endured the wind and the rain,
Times of withering drought,
The icy cold, the blanketing snow.
It remained steadfast against whatever
The forces of Nature could muster.
All this for this moment upon us,
When its bloom unfurls in the morning light,
And now its promise is assured.

Meaning Is Healthier Than Happiness – Emily Esfahani Smith – The Atlantic

This article and the study referenced echo Daniel Kahneman’s reflective versus experiential happiness. Momentary happiness, such as attending a concert or skydiving, is fleeting.  A life of meaning, on the other hand, yields a lasting contentment.  As the study in the article suggests, a life of giving often leads to a meaningful life, strikingly similar to the message of Jesus Christ.

God Has Given Each of Us Different Gifts

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

New International Version (NIV)

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

This is a rather hopeful passage from scripture.  It seems that some scripture passages challenge us and others comfort us.  This one does both.  On one hand, it explains that God has given each of us different talents and strengths.  Despite our different capabilities, He loves all of us equally.  On the other hand, it encourages us to use whatever talents we’ve been given in the service of the Lord.  The hymn below has a related theme for further meditation. 

Video:  Here I Am Lord

The Bee by James Dickey

The Bee

To the football coaches of Clemson College, 1942

One dot
Grainily shifting we at roadside and
The smallest wings coming along the rail fence out
Of the woods one dot of all that green. It now
Becomes flesh-crawling then the quite still
Of stinging. I must live faster for my terrified
Small son it is on him. Has come. Clings.

Old wingback, come
To life. If your knee action is high
Enough, the fat may fall in time God damn
You, Dickey, dig this is your last time to cut
And run but you must give it everything you have
Left, for screaming near your screaming child is the sheer
Murder of California traffic: some bee hangs driving

Your child
Blindly onto the highway. Get there however
Is still possible. Long live what I badly did
At Clemson and all of my clumsiest drives
For the ball all of my trying to turn
The corner downfield and my spindling explosions
Through the five-hole over tackle. O backfield

Coach Shag Norton,
Tell me as you never yet have told me
To get the lead out scream whatever will get
The slow-motion of middle age off me I cannot
Make it this way I will have to leave
My feet they are gone I have him where
He lives and down we go singing with screams into

The dirt,
Son-screams of fathers screams of dead coaches turning
To approval and from between us the bee rises screaming
With flight grainily shifting riding the rail fence
Back into the woods traffic blasting past us
Unchanged, nothing heard through the air-
conditioning glass we lying at roadside full

Of the forearm prints
Of roadrocks strawberries on our elbows as from
Scrimmage with the varsity now we can get
Up stand turn away from the highway look straight
Into trees. See, there is nothing coming out no
Smallest wing no shift of a flight-grain nothing
Nothing. Let us go in, son, and listen

For some tobacco-
mumbling voice in the branches to say “That’s
a little better,” to our lives still hanging
By a hair. There is nothing to stop us we can go
Deep deeper into elms, and listen to traffic die
Roaring, like a football crowd from which we have
Vanished. Dead coaches live in the air, son live

In the ear
Like fathers, and urge and urge. They want you better
Than you are. When needed, they rise and curse you they scream
When something must be saved. Here, under this tree,
We can sit down. You can sleep, and I can try
To give back what I have earned by keeping us
Alive, and safe from bees: the smile of some kind

Of savior–
Of touchdowns, of fumbles, battles,
Lives. Let me sit here with you, son
As on the bench, while the first string takes back
Over, far away and say with my silentest tongue, with the man-
creating bruises of my arms with a live leaf a quick
Dead hand on my shoulder, “Coach Norton, I am your boy.”

– by James Dickey